This action concerns the support of the unemployed to exercise a professional activity related to their specialty in areas included in the smart specialization strategy, in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The aim of the Action is to reduce unemployment through the encouragement to exercise professional activity.
Through the Action, it is sought to increase the participation of the unemployed in the labor market, and to limit the phenomenon of the leakage of the scientific staff of the Region.
Minimum grant amount per business plan: €10,000
Maximum grant amount per business plan: €50,000
Aid rate:
80% – 100% (as long as staff costs of at least 1 EME are included)
Action Budget: €5,000,000
Area of application: Region of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace
Target Audience
The Action supports unemployed people to set up their own business in areas of the RIS3 strategy. The KADs corresponding to the above priority areas are given in detail in APPENDIX 3: ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES (KAD)-RIS3 of this Call for Action.
Beneficiaries, who may qualify for public funding under this call, are:
Businesses to be established:
after publication of the invitation,
their shareholders-partners/owners are unemployed for at least 3 months before the date of publication of the invitation and until the submission of the financing application, registered in the unemployment registers at DYPA. This category also includes those who are self-employed, holders of a professional license, who do not practice a liberal or other profession (have not started a profession) 3 months before the date of publication of the invitation and until the submission of the funding application.
and they will be active exclusively in related to their specialty (degree of study) KAD and in eligible Activity Code Numbers of APPENDIX 3: ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES (KAD)-RIS3. See here the appendix 3 of the Public Invitation
Beneficiaries who will be supported under the Action must meet the following:
When the invitation is published, the beneficiaries must be unemployed for at least 3 months before the date of publication of the invitation and until the submission of the funding application, registered in the unemployment registers at DYPA.
To start a business activity exclusively in KAD related to their specialty (degree of study) and in eligible Activity Code Numbers, within a period of up to 3 months at the latest from the approval of evaluation results. These KADs should be maintained throughout the period of implementation of the business plan. In case of the addition of KAD during the implementation period of the business plan, they should be exclusively eligible and relevant to the specialty of the beneficiary.
To start a business activity in an independent professional area within a period of up to 3 months at the latest from the approval of evaluation results. In the case of a professional lease, the validity will be at least until the end of the implementation period of the Business Plan. It is clarified that the professional establishment in the residence of the beneficiary (main or secondary) is not accepted.
Not to be employed during the entire period of implementation of the business plan.
Submission period
Start date: Monday 04/03/2024 and time 09:00
Closing date: Tuesday 14/05/2024 at 15:00
Personnel expenses
Expenses of Equipment, Means of Transport & Instruments
Expenditure on Buildings, Grounds, Facilities & Surroundings
Expenses for Provision of Services
Operating costs
Software Expenses
Advertising, Promotion & Networking Expenses
Indirect Costs (e.g. costs of electricity, fixed and mobile business telephony, water supply, heating, other common costs),
We fully undertake the process of submitting the application and monitoring the program until its completion.
For more information fill out the contact form below or call us at the following:
Thessaloniki: 2310 220 875
Athens: 210 700 5739